In the early days of the internet, blogging was more associated with journaling. Blogging has been around since 1993 and has become a much needed digital marketing tool for many businesses. Initially, a blog was used as a way to highlight individuals’ viewpoints and experiences. But now blogs serve multiple purposes, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or the creation of affiliate income.

According to Statista research, the revenue generated by content marketing amounted to 63 billion US dollars in 2022 and is expected to reach 107 billion US dollars in 2026. Also, there are around 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites. A whopping 7.5 million blog posts per day, which is around 2.7 billion pieces of content per year.

Blogging has proven to be a powerful tool for professional and personal development.  With the rise of the internet and social media, people can now share their thoughts and experiences with a global online audience. Blogging has become a reliable platform for people to learn new skills, share their expertise and build relations with others.

Here are the top 10 reasons you should consider starting a blog in 2024:

1. Your writing skills improve

      Writing a blog post or two in a week can have an amazing impact on your writing skills. Reading is an effective way to improve your writing skills. It may sound ironic but the more you read, the better you write.

      If you start a blog but are unsure of what to write, start writing about your experiences. Use simple words, and you will notice a drastic change in consistency after a few blog posts.

      Initially, you can write about random things, but once you get traffic and reviews, you will realize that your writing attracts a specific audience. They tend to develop an interest in your blog, and this will help identify your area of expertise.

      A catchy heading can capture the interest of the audience, this will get readers hooked on your post from beginning to end. Once you gain the trust of your readers, you can slowly establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

      2. You get to build an audience

      Building a blog audience is quite challenging. There are about 4.66 billion users on the internet and 77 % of them read blogs. A large part of your blogs success is catering to the needs of your selected audience.

      To understand your target audience, it is important to research customer behavior on different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Reddit, Quora, Instagram, etc. When you publish high-quality content, you will start attracting readers who will listen to what you have to say.

      When people become invested in your niche, you will have a greater understanding of the needs and wants of your target audience. Over a while, you can build a loyal following of readers who trust your opinion and value your expertise. Your readers are your most valuable asset, if you are looking to promote a product or service or simply share your thoughts or ideas, your readers will help you grow in your blogging journey.

      3. To generate decent money

      You can indeed make money from blogging, but it is going to take some time. You need to establish a decent reader base and convert them to paid subscribers. There are several ways you can monetize your blog, such as Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, selling your own products or services, subscriptions and coaching. It takes time and a tremendous amount of effort to build a successful blog that generates income. But if you are willing to put in the effort, it is certainly possible to make a living as a blogger.

      4. Be a part of the blogging community

      Finding the right communities for your blog requires a ton of research. You want to join communities that are relevant, active and supportive of your style and goals. You can check the blogs of influencers and leaders in your field to see what communities they endorse or belong to. Reading reviews and testimonials of blogging communities and platforms can be valuable. You also get to know about their area of expertise; that way, you can establish yourself as an expert or leader in your niche or field.

      5. Build your portfolio

      Whatever your purpose maybe, be it professional or personal, a blog is a medium where you can show potential clients what you are capable of. People in the world of freelancing, B2B companies or SAAS who offer highly technical and specialized services find this extremely valuable. Your blog becomes a pathway for opportunities. Make it matter!

      6. To face your fears

      If you are an anxious individual, it can be really hard to expose yourself and express your thoughts and ideas. Blogging gives you a platform not only to confront your fears but also reach out to people in a similar predicament. If you are conscious about authenticity or bogged down by feelings of imperfection, writing about a topic you fear can be relieving.

      You don’t have to look at blogging as a business prerogative. Sometimes, it can be a realm to confide in and recollect your thoughts.

      7. Generate leads and sales

      A lot of good brands have their own blogs that provide answers, trends, insights and more. Blogging is an effective way to reach out to an online audience and let them know about your company.  By creating blog posts, you educate users about the industry you are in and the products and services you are offering. This will help establish you as an online authority. But it is pointless to run a blog if you cannot convert readers into potential customers.

      According to a recent study businesses that publish regular blog posts experience 126 percent lead growth than non-blogging firms. To get good leads you must produce valuable content your audience will consume. Before you publish blog content, ask yourself questions to ensure your efforts will benefit an audience.

      Will it solve an issue for your audience?

      Is it related any inquiry that they give you?

      When you do this, you will understand how to craft blog posts that help users solve their problems. Think about addressing their pain points and provide them with solutions that will help them move forward. Blogs that highlight the concerns of the readers, make it easier for them to get leads.

      8. You can be your own boss

      Blogging allows you to be your own boss, you can set your schedule and work as many hours as you like. You can decide what to write, how to grow your blog, how many times a week you will dedicate to your blog. You have no boss breathing down your neck and you have all the freedom to work the way you want.

      9. Allow yourself to be motivated

      Blogging is a time consuming activity, to capture an audience for your blog, you need to write for yourself first. Writing a handful of blog posts will not get you thousands of readers instantly but if your posts help even one person it is time well spent. Starting out on complex topics is a big no-no for beginners.

      In order to engage with readers, you need to produce posts that will get them hooked on your blog. In short, people should understand and relate to the topics you write. If you are clueless about blogging, it is best to devise a content strategy for your blog. Write down the topics you can cover, from basics to advanced, this will help you venture into your blogging journey. When your content reaches immediate or advanced stage, your readership will grow.

      10. Help and Inspire Others

        If you are a social butterfly and you wish to help people, then blogging is a go to platform. Even if you don’t have a large following, you can still make a difference. Whether you aim to inspire others to get fit, go out and travel, or cook a favorite recipe, it can change someone’s life in more ways than one. As you gain a strong following, your readers will feel inspired to reach out to you on social media or email and appreciate you for changing their lives.


        Blogging is not on life support, it is still alive and kicking. In fact, blogging is going to get better in 2024.  It is no longer a simple online diary but a huge opportunity towards self-employment, vast opportunities and personal growth. Creating insightful and meaningful content will not only get you an audience but also expose you to more professional opportunities. Consistently creating content will you adapt to the changing digital landscape.

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        "People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

        ~ Rogers Hornsby

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